Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Moses and I woke up early this morning. He knew i would want to go for what they call the best sale of the year. However i woke up not feeling well, and decided to wait.
I remember last year was the same, i was pregnant and not feeling so well, but i made everyone get ready and leave the house at 4 in the morning. And it was so crowded at Kohls, a store where we went to. I could not breath, cashier lines were so long. I got so dizzy then dropped all my stuff on the floor. Yeah I almost fainted. So we hid the stuff i picked where no one could notice and left the store without taking anything out.

I ended up going back to the store later that day, luckily everything was still in the same place where we hid them. However, I told myself that i would never put myself in that kind of embarrasment again.

Today, i left the house around 11 am. There was not much sale. I made sure i had eaten something before leaving the house. Moses made sure i had gatorade in the car just in case.
However, there was nothing extraordinary. There were not so many people out. The economy must have gone so bad. I myself did not have much money to spend. I got just what i had on my list, and a cute purse i could not say "no" to.

In case you wonder how my thanksgiving was yesterday, I have to admit, it was so much fun.
When we got there, I was surprised to meet two snakes in an aquarium. I thought they were not real, they told me they were not, either, but soon i realized they were joking.

Michael and Morie had the chance to touch them, I would not. Nathan tried to convince me that it would be fine, but I still would not. On the other hands, Jen's kids, Makay and Kailani were playing with them.

Jennifer is 19 weeks pregnant, in case you did not know. She does not know yet what the sex of the baby, but she wants a boy. She asked me what a good indonesian name for a boy. So if you have any idea, please let her know.

Dinner was amazing, everything was so good. I forgot to take pictures of the food because i was enjoying my dinner too much. Sister Kadarusman prepared almost everything on the table. She also made wedang ronde for dessert. I almost forgot how good that wedang ronde tastes.
We had fun spending our thanksgiving with them. They are wonderful people.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks Giving

Happy thanks giving everyone!

Every Thanksgiving my work place gives out a big Turkey for each employee. Last year I prepared what I thought was th
e best thanksgiving food. It took so long to prepare it. I also prepared Ham cause Moses does not eat birds.

However, no body seemed to enjoy my cooking. It did hurt my feelings, but believe me, I am so used to it now.

So this year, when Moses asked me what I would do to the Turkey, I told him I would cook it, but he suggested to just give it to some big African Family whom he said might need it more (although what he really meant was "know how to cook it better"). I just told him, Ok ! without arguing. Yeah! I would not want to waste my 10 hours cooking that Turkey anyway.

Jennifer Kadarusman invited us to have Thanksgiving Lunch with them. I am excited. Her mom is there with them, so I'm expecting that they would prepare some Indonesian food. I offered to bring brownies. I am sure I can't do wrong on this one, everything needed is in the box. I know they will enjoy it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why Sierra-Indo?

Besides that it sounds so cool, I am an indonesian who is married to Moses, who is from Sierra Leone. Where is Sierra leone? you may ask. It is somewhere in West Africa, close to Ghana. Do you know the movie "blood diamond"? Yeah the movie was inspired by a true-event that occurrred in Sierra Leone.

And here are the Sierra-Indo products:

Michael Duta Kabo

He is the noise of our home. Was born February 7, 2006, Michael is the trouble, the reason I do not have enough sleep, the reason I do not clean as much, and even though sad, but true cause he's the reason I sometimes can't wait to be at work =).

But he is also the reason I enjoy discovering new things so I can show them to him, the reason I love to go to, or call people to get recipes so he is exposed to good food that I make, the reason I smile when I am sad, the reason I do not spend money on myself as much anymore so he can have better toys, better clothes and better care. And one more thing, he is the reason I prayed for another one like him, and the reason I am blessed with

Morie Christopher Kabo.

He is not exactly like Michael, but I know he is everything that I could ask for. Morie was born February 23, 2008. He has the most genuine smile and laugh I have ever seen! Everytime I look at him I feel calm and comforted. Everything about him is perfect. There is not much I can complain about. The only thing is that he is the reason I am broke. And eventhough he is closer to Moses than to me, I know one of these days, he will love me more.. =).

Savanna Putri Kabo

I am not sure yet if that's her name, but I really like that name. I got to pick the name for this one because she's going to be my baby girl. Her due date is February 21, 2009. Don't get mad at me now if I never told you about it cause I am still speechless myself for being pregnant, again!
I was worried because I did not think I could handle it, but now I am just excited. Don't we have that saying backhome "the more kids you get, the more blessings you receive!" Yeah I just count on that. We need those blessings!
But I know for sure that after this one I will be telling myself "ok girl.. you've had enough!"

And here is the King of Sierra-Indo Jungle

Moses Morie Kabo

The only thing I can say about him is that he is the reason I sing this song,

"I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
when he stares at me
you see that he cares for me
you see how he is so deep in love"

"Remember the first day when I saw your face
remember the first day when you smiled at me
you stepped to me and then you said to me I was the woman you dreamed about"

"remember the first day when you called my house
remember the first day when you took me out
we had butterflies although we tried to hide and we both had a beautiful night"

"The way we held each others hand
the way we talked the way we laughed
it felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one"

"I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
when he stares at me
you see that he cares for me
you see how he is so deep in love"

"I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he chose
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul"

"I'm so happy so happy that you're in my life and
baby now that you're a part of me you showed me the true meaning of love
and I know he loves me..."

Then there's me, the queen of the jungle

About me, I am enjoying my role as a wife and mother for my family. I tell you the truth, it is not easy, but I've grown up from it. And my goal is to do it better and better each day.